By Super User on Sunday, 09 October 2022
Category: Blog

The Impact Of Back-To-School Season On Your Pets

Back-to-school season is here! Families across the country anxiously anticipate the beginning of a new school year. For pet parents, the back-to-school season also means preparing for the potentially stressful and overwhelming task of getting their pets ready for the school year too. Getting pets used to their new routines can be a real challenge, especially when they miss their favorite playmates and constant summer activity. 


What Causes Your Back-to-School Blues In Dogs?

Although many people view dogs as less emotional than humans, it is essential to remember that they experience a range of moods similar to our own—including anxiety, depression, and sadness. Many dogs suffer from separation anxiety, a common problem among dogs, but it can be difficult to tell if your pet is suffering from it. 


Some signs of separation anxiety include:



Helping Your Dog Cope with Back-to-School Sadness

Most dogs seem to adjust to the kid's return to school after a few weeks, but it's essential to watch for signs that they may be developing separation anxiety. You can help your dog stay happy and feel less stressed during the transition by following these three simple steps:


1. Training and reinforcing good behavior

Proper training can boost motivation and mood, whether your best friend is a hunting breed, retriever, rescue dog, shepherd, or simply a dog that loves to please.


Start slowly if you haven't trained your dog for a while. Spend up to 15 minutes reviewing the tricks and behaviors they already know. Positive reinforcement of successfully performing these behaviors will reinforce a strong foundation and boost your dog's confidence. You can motivate your dog without adding excess calories by feeding him healthy, high-value dog snacks.


2. Extra Engagement And Exercise

Exercise is a great way to get your dog ready for the day, and an extra walk or game of fetch in the morning will make them less likely to be fidgety while you and the kids are away. 


Scent games, which involve the dog following a track you leave for it to find, can help your canine companion pass some of the time while you are away from home.


3. Consistent Routine

It can take a dog some time to adjust to significant changes in routine. Try keeping the rest of their schedule consistent to help your pup feel more at home while the little ones are away.


It's essential to keep bathroom breaks, mealtimes, and rest times constant as much as possible. If this schedule is impossible to follow because of your work hours, consider finding a neighborhood dog walker or take your dog to daycare, where the attendants will take care of these duties while providing stability and fun changes in scenery.


Doggie daycare has many benefits, including socialization. Exercise and supervised playtime.


Ortega Animal Care Center Is The Perfect Place To Take Your Dog During The Day.

At Ortega Animal Care Center, we have playgroups for dogs of all sizes—and we'd love to see your furry friend! When your dog spends the time with us, they'll get to play and socialize with other dogs all day long. Our professionally trained staff will ensure that they have fun, exercise, and rest here.

Book a free meet and greet with Ortega Animal Care Center today to find out if your dog is a good fit for dog daycare.


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